The NASCO Continental Reunion is only one week away! Join us in Kansas City as political & business leaders from the U.S., Canada, and Mexico gather to discuss the future of our North American trading relationships. At this time, the registration fee is $499USD for all participants. Online registration will remain open until Friday, September 23 at 12:00pm CST. After that time, you may register at the door on Tuesday, September 27 at the Loews Kansas City.

Welcome + overview
We are pleased to invite you to attend the 2022 North American Strategy for Competitiveness (NASCO) Continental Reunion as we return to Kansas City to highlight the many advantages of the Heartland!
You won’t want to miss U.S., Canada, and Mexico business and political leaders gathered to discuss the future of our North American trading relationships.
The 2022 Continental Reunion is the most anticipated EVER. After a global pandemic, people are ready to be back together in person to reunite with old friends, make new connections, educate themselves on the critical issues of the day, and have fun! NASCO cannot think of a more perfect place to celebrate our North American continent than Kansas City. The Kansas City region and NASCO have a rich legacy of cooperation and mutual support.
We are excited to announce the Monarch Butterfly Challenge will be woven into our 2022 NASCO Reunion in Kansas City (hence our new butterfly logo). A Monarch relay will take place beginning in Windsor, Ontario and make its way to Kansas City the week of our event (and eventually on to Mexico), a special Monarch painted rail car will traverse our three countries, and the inauguration of a Monarch butterfly garden at the KCS headquarters will occur during our event. It is sure to be memorable!
In addition, the Kansas City Region continues as a top U.S. logistics hub with record industrial development. Located in the geographic center of the U.S., the KC region is perfectly positioned in the nation’s heartland as a centralized inland logistics port and offers a robust and talented workforce.
The NASCO “Continental Reunion” is unique, as it rotates between Canada, the United States and Mexico each year. We bring together senior political and business leaders from the three countries to address key issues and opportunities for improved cooperation and economic partnership, as well as to deliver innovative perspectives on critical issues pertaining to the future of trade and transportation in North America.
Come see why everyone is buzzing about KC.

Monday, September 26
Arrivals & Explore KC
2:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M.
NASCO Board of Directors Meeting
5:30 P.M.
The Monarch Butterfly Cocktail Reception
Tuesday, September 27
*Event to be held at Loews Hotel unless otherwise noted
8:00 A.M. – 8:45 A.M.
Registration & Networking
8:45 A.M. - 9:00 A.M.
Welcome | Bienvenu | Bienvenidos
9:00 A.M. - 9:30 A.M.
U.S. – Mexico: Temperatures Rising
9:30 A.M. – 10:30 A.M.
USMC – Yay or Nay?? Preparing for the Review
10:30 A.M. - 10:45 A.M.
Coffee Break
10:45 A.M. - 11:45 P.M.
The Crossroads of Competition: Developing a Skilled Workforce
12:00 P.M. - 1:30 P.M.
North American Metamorphosis Luncheon
1:45 P.M. - 2:15 P.M.
Unparalleled Access: The Missouri River Terminal Project
2:15 P.M. - 3:30 P.M.
Supply Chain or Supply Pain?
3:30 P.M. – 4:45 P.M.
The Host(s) with the Most! NASCO Reunion Hosts ‘22, ‘23, ‘24
6:00 P.M.
Depart for Evening Activity
6:30 P.M. – 9:30 P.M.
Prohibition Exposition!
Wednesday, September 28
8:00 A.M. – 8:30 A.M.
Registration & Networking
8:30 A.M. – 9:45 A.M.
A North American Icon - CP + KCS Rail Merger
9:45 A.M. – 10:15 A.M.
Trends in North American Industrial Real Estate
10:15 A.M. - 10:30 A.M.
Coffee Break
10:30 A.M. – 11:30 A.M.
Competitiveness of Foreign Trade Zones
11:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.
The Future of Sustainability in North America
12:30 P.M. – 2:00 P.M.
Edmonton: Canada’s Festival City
2:00 P.M.
Farewells + NASCO Reunion Concludes
3:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M.
Go Global KC 2022
This year's themes and sessions to include:
The Iconic North American Railroad Merger • USMC - Yay or Nay? Preparing for the Review • The Crossroads of Competition: Developing a Skilled Workforce • North American Metamorphosis - The Monarch Butterfly Challenge • Unparalleled Access: The Missouri River Terminal Project • Supply Chains + Ally Shoring • Trends in North American Industrial Real Estate • Competitiveness of Foreign Trade Zones • North American Sustainability
Detailed Program Agenda
Arrivals & Explore KC
NASCO Board of Directors Meeting
The Monarch Butterfly Cocktail Reception
Sponsored & Hosted by: Kansas City Southern, 427 W. 12st Street
Stroll a few blocks from the Loews Hotel to the KCS Headquarters for a Ribbon Cutting ceremony in the new Monarch butterfly garden and to view the special Monarch painted rail car. A taste of North American food and drinks will be provided!
Events to be held at Loews Hotel unless otherwise noted
Registration & Networking (Mermaid Room)
Sponsored by: TQL Logistics
Welcome | Bienvenu | Bienvenidos
U.S. – Mexico: Temperatures Rising
Michael Camunez, President & CEO, Monarch Global Strategies
USMC – Yay or Nay?? Preparing for the Review
Introduction: Brian Murphy, Partner, Miller & Co.
Moderator: Gerald Schwebel, Executive Vice President, IBC Bank
USA: Daniel Watson, Assistant USTR for Western Hemisphere
Canada: Eric Walsh, Director General North America, Global Affairs Canada
Mexico: Lydia Antonio de la Garza, Director General of International Treaties, Monitoring, Administration, and Compliance Oversight, Secretary of the Economy, Government of Mexico
Coffee Break
Sponsored by: Port Laredo
The Crossroads of Competition: Developing a Skilled Workforce
Moderator: Matthew Rooney, Director, Institute Outreach and Strategic Partnerships, George W. Bush Presidential Center
USA: Cylynn Braswell, Analytics Advisor, Frontline Education
Canada: Jean-Pierre Giroux, President, EMC Canada
Mexico: Diego Piazza Almudi, Deputy Director, CONOCER
North American Metamorphosis Luncheon (Muse)
Featuring the Monarch Butterfly Challenge with
David Eaton, Vice President, Kansas City Southern Railway
Soileh Padilla Mayer, Mexico’s new Consul General in Kansas City
Unparalleled Access: The Missouri River Terminal Project
Jon Stephens, President & CEO, Port KC
Supply Chain or Supply Pain?
Moderator: Adam Hill, President, Scarbrough International
USA: Carolina Giuga, Director of Public Affairs, LEGO Group
Canada: Laurie Tannous, Vice President, Government and Industry Relations, Farrow Customs Brokerage
Mexico: Marliz Bermudez Richard, Managing Director, APM Terminals Mexico
The Host(s) with the Most! NASCO Reunion Hosts ‘22, ‘23, ‘24
Moderator: Rachel Connell, Vice President, NASCO
USA: Katheryn Shields, Councilwoman, City of Kansas City
Canada: Andrew Knack, City Councillor, City of Edmonton, Alberta
Mexico: Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres, Mayor of Mazatlán, Sinaloa
Depart for Evening Activity
Prohibition Exposition!
An evening at J. Rieger Distillery, 2700 Guinotte Avenue
In partnership with the Government of Canada
Founded in 1887 as the largest mail-order whiskey house in the U.S. prior to the onset of prohibition. Proud to be back as KC’s first distillery in nearly a century – come see this story of family legacy and love. Hop on the only known distillery slide in the world! Our 40-foot custom built side in The Monogram Lounge is the coolest way to exit a bar.
Registration & Networking (Mermaid)
Sponsored by: TQL Logistics
Trends in North American Industrial Real Estate
Moderator: Chris Gutierrez, President, KC SmartPort
USA: John Hassler, Senior Managing Director, Newmark Zimmer
Canada: Gregg Wassmansdorf, Senior Managing Director, Newmark
Mexico: Sergio Perez, Executive Managing Director, Newmark
A North American Icon - CP + KCS Rail Merger
Oscar del Cueto Cuevas, President, Kansas City Southern de Mexico
Coffee Break
Sponsored by: Port Laredo
Competitiveness of Foreign Trade Zones
Introduction: Brian Murphy, Partner, Miller & Co.
Moderator: Jeffrey J. Tafel, President, NAFTZ
USA: Erik Autor, Past President, NAFTZ
Canada: Sonette Magnus, Partner, Thompson Coburn and Canada’s Honorary Consul for greater St. Louis
Mexico: Claudia Avila, Expert in Foreign Direct Investment and Nearshoring, Mexico
The Future of Sustainability in North America
Moderator: Dan Ujczo, Senior Counsel, Thompson Hine
USA: Aaron Bates, President and CEO of Toledo Solar
Canada: Stephen MacKenzie, President & CEO, Invest WindsorEssex
Mexico: Mariuz Calvet, Head of Sustainable Finance, HSBC
Edmonton: Canada’s Festival City (Muse)
Closing luncheon hosted by: Explore Edmonton in partnership with Edmonton Global and Government of Alberta, 2023 NASCO Reunion Host
Farewells + NASCO Reunion Concludes
Go Global KC 2022 (Union Station)
Rebuilding America’s Economy & Foreign Policy with Ally Shoring
Go Global KC is World Trade Center - Kansas City's premier annual event promoting Kansas City's vibrant international trade economy. Happening on Wednesday, September 28, 2022, at the KC Chamber Board Room this year’s theme will focus on ally-shoring and its impact on international trade.
Keynotes by:
Elaine Dezenski, Head of the Center on Economic & Financial Power at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies
John Austin, Director of the Michigan Economic Center and Nonresident Senior Fellow with the Brookings Institution and the Chicago Council on Global Affairs
*Please note, there is a separate registration and $50 fee for this event.
2022 Host Partners

2023 Host Partners

Event Sponsors

Thank you to Councilwoman Katheryn Shields for her contributions and support.